Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Fun at the park...

We went to the park this evening to play while Pete went running. There were several people there. We usually see a boy that is 16 years old there and has Down syndrome (I'll call him D). He knows us and is very talkative. The park is somewhat in a neighborhood and he lives in that neighborhood. He walks down there (by himself!) to play all the time. I also chat with his mom when she is there.

OK, so Sam is running around playing with some girls that are at the park, Joe and Max are swinging and I am holding Ike while pushing Joe and then Max. I push Joe and then go over and push Max. As I am pushing Max, a man that is pushing his child tells me Joe is throwing up- in his own words. I look at Joe and sure enough he is covered in puke and still puking and still puking.... I put Ike in the grass so I can get Joe out of the swing. As soon as I do that, D is yelling "underwear!" I turn to see what he is talking about. I guess Max 'had to go' and decided the grass next to the swings is as good as any place. He had his shoes, socks and pants off. His undies were pulled down and he was peeing in the grass! OH my gosh! I pull Max's undies back up and tell him to get his pants on. I pull Joe out of the puke covered swing and start stripping him down as all his clothes are covered with chunks. Max is now climbing up the climbing wall in his underwear! I go grab him and get his pants on. D is still yelling "underwear!" His mom is there and tells him to stop. She picked up poor Ike out of the grass and is holding him for me. Soon after all this happened, everyone left but D and his mom. I'm not sure if it was because of us or not!

We still had to wait for Pete to get back from running before we could leave! Poor Joe is sitting in the grass wrapped up in a blanket. He fall asleep on the way home and is (hopefully) down for the night- (it's 11ish, so who knows!). He has been fine all day. I hope he isn't really sick and starting all the sickies over for us.


Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

So glad that others have outings as hectic as mine! Poor baby! I hope he is feeling better now!

Christina said...

Oh man! I hope he is feeling better soon and I am sorry but I had to laugh about the potty thing! LOL

Laura said...

Just found your blog. This post is when you see life is better than fiction. At the moment I sure you were running crazy, what a great story...and yes I did LOL! Hope all is well now.