Sunday, November 15, 2009

Halloween and pumpkins

Here is a post about halloween... only a few weeks late!

The kids love decorating pumpkins, that is until they have to clean the "guts" out! We stick the 'faces' on them and then closer to Halloween we cut out jack-o-lanterns.

Sam and her pumpkin

Max and his pumpkin

Joe and his pumpkin

Ike and his pumpkin

We carved them out Friday night. I expected me ending up doing all the work but they did pretty good this year. I did hear lots of complaints about how it's gross and dirty, etc.. I told them it had to be done if they wanted to cut a face into the pumpkin. Joe did great cleaning, digging right in. Sam also did great, although I got to hear about it all. Max, well, he did OK. He never digs his hand right in. Even this year he was scrapping seeds out with a spoon making sure his hand did not touch any of that pumpkin. Ike-- I did all of his. he helped some, but not much.

Joe digging out pumpkin guts

And to not bore you with all the details of pumpkin carving, here are the finished products.

Sam with her pumpkin

Max and his pumpkin.
"I dare you to get a picture of me without my tongue!!"
Seriously, I have about 8 or more of this pose, all with Max sticking out his tongue.

But I finally got one!
He did his own cutting this year. (explains the crazy face!) Pretty good I think.

Joe and his pumpkin

Ike and his pumpkin.
(Ike with a ring toss ring on his head!-- It's all the rage, you know!)

Finally Halloween night. We had 2 skeletons, 1 cat and 1 ghost.

After we got back the kids ate as much candy as possible.

Max passed out with a candy coma!!

Notice he picked out all the "good" candy. Smartiees, starburst and he already ate all the twizzlers. That is about all he will eat from the candy. Picky kid!


Kristen's mom said...

I love the pumpkins! Your children are darling. Thank You for your kind words and your prayers.

aj said...

Sweet boy - i'm sure it was all the smarties that knocked him out :) looks like all the kids had fun with the pumpkins!