Saturday, December 19, 2009

So Sweet

The other day Max had a piece of paper from a friend in his backpack. He gets notes and artwork a lot. But this one was SO sweet....

To Max
From Christopher

Then on the inside was a print out from the book Common Threads: Celebrating Life with Down syndrome.

Christopher wrote:
Max you are the best friend I could ever have. You are nice, friendly and a good friend.
Max I will always be your friend.

AWE! Isn't that so sweet?

A few days later one of Max's paras sent home a copy of some art she saw hanging in the hallway. The art is made by a 5th grader. It is a glittery snowflake with "my Dream" printed in the middle.
"My dream it to become a teacher and work with kids like little Max. I think it would be cool to make a difference in children's lifes. I would teach math, reading and spelling. And make them a success when they become little kindergardners."

I'm so glad that the kids love Max so much. I have don't understand why they do but it's good they do. Max doesn't talk much and has some behavior issues. But I guess his lovable side wins them over! He's a great snuggle bug and likes to give hugs, kisses, high fives, shake hands and say HI.

I took Max to the the school audiologist last week since he failed his hearing screen at school (he always does- it's the type of testing they do). The audiologist is in another school. We get there and she recognizes Max first thing. She said when she was at his school she was walking down the hall. Max saw her, stopped, said HI and put his hand out to shake hands.
He CAN be a sweetheart when HE wants to be!

Have a great weekend. We will be celebrating Christmas with half our family this weekend and then with the other half next weekend.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Awwww, *melt* went my heart. :)