Friday, May 7, 2010

severed toes??

That's what it looks like after Joe gets done painting his nails!!

He is pretty proud of himself though.

Sam is proud of her 'severed' fingers as well...

And, Joe really does not paint his nails on a regular basis, in case you were wondering.

Here's another of Joe from a different day.

His hair got pretty long. Pete offered him a dollar if he would get it cut off. So yes, Joe sold himself for a dollar! I forgot to get before/after pics. I told Joe he was gonna look like a 'new man' after getting his hair cut off. So for about 2-3 days after he kept asking, "Do I look like a new man momma?" He's so cute.

However, him and Ike now have a very similar haircut so they get mixed up easily. I get asked, "are they twins?" every single time I go out somewhere with them. The sad part... They are 2 years apart but only 3 pounds apart!

1 comment:

Karen said...

That looks like my own foot after the kids give me a pedicure. It's awesome. But it's a sign that they had a lot of fun.