Thursday, April 21, 2011

sole puke picker upper

edited to add-- yes, I really do know how to spell puke! (I had the title wrong)

Apparently that is what I am in this household. BTW, this post is about puke. Just letting you know!

Last night I got to sleep around 1:30. I went to sleep in Max's bed. Many reasons but the main reason... I pick the bed with fewest bodies! All 3 boys tend to find me during the night. If Sam and Pete are sleeping in our bed and I join in, that is 3. However, Ike usually goes to bed with the last person awake so last night that was me. He would have made 4. Then sometime during the night Max comes up....up to 5. Although I love my kids, I also love my sleep!

A little after an hour of sleep, Pete wakes me up and says Sam is puking all over the place upstairs. You do know dads are clueless when it comes to puke, right? I get up and grab some towels. Pete said, "you need more than that. It's on the carpet. You'll need carpet cleaner too." So I grab the spray bottle of carpet cleaner. Pete said, "no, the big carpet cleaner..... you'll see." I just look at him like, yeah, I'm not cleaning carpets at 3 am. I make it upstairs. My side of the bed has got puke on it. Sam also just hung her head off the bed to avoid puking on the bed. Thanks Sam! There was lots of puke on the floor there as well. I'm guessing at that time Pete was yelling at her to run to the bathroom. Unfortunately, my side of the bed is the furtherest from the bathroom. So at about the 1/2 way mark all the way to the toilet there is a nice trail of puke. The bathroom floor is sprayed with puke as well as the whole toilet.

Sam was laying in the floor on a rug, with a towel nearby. OK, so Pete was right. Wait, what did I just say?! I needed the big guns, even at 3am. I drag out the carpet cleaner and start cleaning. It came up without any problems. I guess fresh puke makes a difference!

Back to bed and so far so good. No more puke yet. I am letting her sleep in this morning and hoping nobody else gets it!

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