Yesterday Great grandma Mary (Pete's grandmother) got sick. She was rushed to the ER. They thought she was having heart failure. Turned out it was pneumonia. We almost went to Springfield (where our families live at) last night to see her. Pete called the nurses and she was stable so he held off. Today around lunch she passed away.
Her birthday was roughly 2 weeks away. She would have been 95! yes, 95! Although it is sad she died I'm more happy for HER... she is in a much better place now. The last few years of her life weren't really living at all.
She has always been very active. She lived in New Jersey I believe all her life (but I could be wrong on that) up until around 7-8 years ago. I don't remember exactly when she came to Missouri. Pete's dad has taken extremely good care of her these last few years. Her mind was starting to slip... which is why my FIL brought her to where they live. They researched places for her live that would work for her. They chose an assisted living community. It was perfect for her. She slowly got worse and worse. Then one day something changed in her. More than likely a stroke. She could no longer stay where she was. She was moved to a nursing home. Even though my in laws researched all available options and picked the best, I don't ever wish living in a nursing home on anybody!
Great grandma Mary kept getting worse. They believe her health issues are due to mini strokes and not Alzheimers. But really I'm not sure you could tell the difference. She no longer understood what you asked (usually) and could not carry on a conversation. She did love the kids though. She generally perked up when she saw them. Max felt the same. He loved hanging out with her.
She had fallen a few weeks ago (around Easter) and broke her elbow. It took a day or so for the nursing staff to realize this. Although Pete saw her Easter morning and thought something might be wrong. She acted like she was in pain. Pete's parents got back from their 3 month winter stay down South later that afternoon and agreed, something was off. The kids and I had not seen her all Winter b/c the nursing home had a no kids allowed policy for the Winter months in fear of the flu/H1N1.
She a got cast or splint on her arm. But it wasn't doing it's job. The bones and muscles were separating instead of healing correctly. She had surgery last week to fix this. She did great and went back home that afternoon. She has been on pain meds since she broke it.
But yesterday she got sick and rushed back to the hospital. She died 11 days before her 95th birthday.
She was a lovely, sweet lady. She will always be remembered. Joe even made her some fancy artwork just a couple weeks ago. His idea even. Today we were shopping for Mother day cards (for my mom and Pete's mom). Joe picked out a card and said, "I think we should get this one for Grandma Mary." (BTW.. he did this at right about the time she dead). He's a sweetheart.
Mary Harootunian
May 11, 1915- April 30, 2010
May 11, 1915- April 30, 2010
Mary and Sam
Mary and Max. Max doing his thing... holding her finger and sucking his.
Mary and Max
Mary and Joe counting out marshmallows!
Mary and her son ( my FIL) Jack
Mary and Ike
Mary blowing out birthday candles