Wednesday, April 16, 2008


So why did I need to send in a painting smock at the beginning of the year!??? Apparently they don't really use them! This is Max's shirt after school. Now they did have art that day but still! Does somebody not look at him covered with one color of paint and think, "hmm, maybe I should do something here?" I guess not because he had several different colors on him. I try to send him in wearing darker clothes on art days because he usually comes home covered in paint or markers. I obviously forgot that day was art day! I don't think the paint to coming out either. I will try one more time then it will be the bleach pens turn. I love those bleach pens, but you have to be so careful with them - they are bleach!


Christina said...

Man....I always hated when Brit would come home from preschool covered in whatever activity they did that day...makes me appreciate them in uniforms now, I don't mind those getting messed up as much!

Stephanie said...

oh man! What a pain...I got mad the other day too when Megan came home with paint all over her shirt. Yes, why a smock if they don't use it. The shirt went in the garbage cause all the stain treatments and bleaching did nothing!

WheresMyAngels said...

My 15 year old came home with her shirt ruined!! But the worst thing ever that has happened was last year. I sent Mercede to camp and they gave her a black perm marker and let her write her name on her clothes. So she wrote on the front of everything! 7 ruined outfits!

WheresMyAngels said...

Oh, I would send a note asking them to use his smock or send an old shirt for them to put over his clothes on that day, cause that is not good that it happens alot.